As a result of the protocols signed between our department and Feza Gürsey Science Center in the fall and spring semesters of the 2023-2024 academic year; within the scope of the Community Service Practices Course, under the leadership of our faculty members Prof. Dr. Uygar Kanlı and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağlar Gülçiçek, our students contributed to the workshops and activities of the science center as "Volunteer Explainer". The certificates of our students who successfully completed the program were given by our Dean Prof. Dr. Mahmut Selvi, Head of the Department Prof. Dr. Musa Sarı, related faculty members, Adnan Toprak and Mehmet Ardıç on behalf of Feza Gürsey Science Center.
We would like to thank our students, faculty members Prof. Dr. Uygar Kanlı and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağlar Gülçiçek, science center members Adnan Toprak and Mehmet Ardıç, in this process that will give our students the opportunity to gain social responsibility awareness in practice, develop effective communication and self-evaluation skills as well as the development of their professional field knowledge.
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