Our Department has gained International Recognition within the scope of TQF
14 December 2023 | 15:38

The Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF) is a national qualifications framework specific to our country that covers the quality-assured qualifications acquired through general, vocational and academic education and training programs, including primary, secondary and higher education, and other learning pathways.

The TQF aims to redefine and level all diplomas, certificates and diplomas in our country in a consistent and comprehensible system through tools such as the Turkish Qualifications Database, thus ensuring mobility.

In accordance with the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles for the Implementation of the Turkish Qualifications Framework, which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 19/11/2015 and numbered 29537, and the relevant legislative regulations, decisions regarding the placement of qualifications in the TQF are taken by the TQF Management Structures. The TQF Logo will be used on diploma supplements, transcripts and graduation certificates for the qualifications placed in the TQF.

In this context, at the 42nd Meeting of the TQF Board held on 18/07/2023, it was decided to place 4 programs with program accreditation under the responsibility of our university at the relevant level of the TQF. One of these programs was the Physics Teacher Education program. Information about the qualifications in our country has been made available to the local and foreign public through the Turkish Qualifications Database ( http://portal.tyc.gov.tr ) developed within the scope of the TQF.We congratulate all our students who preferred our program and congratulate all our students and faculty members who contributed to this success.

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